New feature – MPIT Form

As per a request from one of our valued customers, we are delighted to update you on a new report now available within the administration section of our SARD Medical Revalidation and Appraisal system.

There is a new report page: Responsible Officer Transfers, which is the SARD system equivalent of the Medical Practice Information Transfer (MPIT) Form.

To create a transfer report, search for the user the report is for, view their information and select ‘Responsible Officer Transfer (MPIT)’ from the ‘Options’ sidebar:

This will bring up a page that displays their user, appraisal and recommendation data and details of their responsible officer. On this page, there is an opportunity to add any comments which will appear in the report:

When save is clicked, a PDF will be generated which can be downloaded and emailed to the new organisation.

To access all the existing RO Transfer PDFs for your organisation, go to: Administration > Medical Revalidation > Recommendations > Responsible Officer Transfers (MPIT)

In addition to this new feature, if you have a doctor moving to your organisation from another organisation that uses SARD for Medical Revalidation and Appraisals, the SARD Support Team can transfer their appraisal data from their existing organisation for you saving time and effort.

If you would like further information about using the features outlined above or have any questions, please reach out to the support team via online chat or email us.

If you are not an existing SARD customer and are interested in hearing more about our Medical Revalidation and Appraisal system, contact Chris or request a demo.
