SARD User Event 2021 - Save The Date

When we said ‘Goodbye’ to everyone at our last User Event in 2019, we never dreamed it would be such a long time before we would be seeing you all again.

I am very pleased to say that with lockdown restrictions easing, we are hoping to welcome our users back to the Royal College of Physicians London on Thursday 18 November 2021. We are in the fortunate position to have secured both the beautiful Dorchester Library and Council Chamber, two much larger rooms than we have used in previous years which will help to ensure that we hold a safe and comfortable event.

For anyone not able or keen to attend in person, we intend to hold this as a ‘hybrid’ virtual event, ensuring that nobody misses out.

We will share further details regarding the agenda for the day, speaker announcements and how to register in our next newsletter, when we hope to have a clearer idea of how the roadmap to lifting restrictions is progressing. Until then please save the date!

If you have any questions about our plans feel free to get in touch with me at should you have any questions or suggestions.
