Bespoke Appraisal Reminders

We’ve changed the way appraisal reminders work, making them more flexible and customisable.

Previously we had a fixed set of appraisal reminders that were sent out to doctors:

  • 3 months before their appraisal is due
  • 6 weeks before their appraisal is due
  • 1 day before their appraisal is due
  • 1 day after their appraisal was due

The doctor would have a notification on their dashboard and receive an email with the following content:

If your trust is already using appraisal reminders, your doctors will continue to receive the reminder notifications and emails as before. But it is now possible for you to customise when the reminder is sent and the content of the reminder notification/email.

For example, you may want to use appraisal reminders to assist in the implementation of the NHS England non participation policy documented here (Annex E: Non participation).

You can manage appraisal reminders by going to admin, Appraisals, Appraisal Reminders. Here you can customise the notification/email subject and message and when it is sent, for example:

You can also see the reminders that each doctor has already been sent and when they are scheduled to get their next reminder:

If you’re interested in getting appraisal reminders set up please get in touch via 0208 771 4153, or the live chat button below.
