Lights, Cameras, Action!

As I write this, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe has just wound to a close and scores of performers, crew and hardy festivalgoers are staggering back down the M1 after a month of immersion in the creative arts.

One such performer is comedian Nish Kumar, who added to his list of accolades this year with a nomination for the Foster’s Best Comedy Show award.

What has this. I hear you politely clamour, got to do with Revalidation and Appraisal software? Well we at SARD are particularly proud of Nish because, before he flew the coop and rose to fame, he was one of our early staff members.

In fact, we have quite a few ‘creative types’ among our current team here at SARD, several of whom are no strangers to the smell of the greasepaint and the roar (or at least, restrained applause), of the crowd. Should we ever need to branch out, we could knock together a pretty serviceable travelling theatre troupe from our combined experience.

This may seem at odds with the popular perception of software companies – surely the binary world of programming is far from creative? We think this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Existential psychologist Rollo May (stick with me here), defined creativity as:

…the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity requires passion and commitment.

Creativity and imagination are some of our greatest strengths at SARD – it’s what makes our programmers able to respond so quickly to bugs and tweaks, helps our Customer Service team think outside the box when solving queries, and keeps all of us thinking ahead about the next solutions.

There is an analytical side to software, of course. But to really build something great, you need more than a script, you need the creative passion and commitment to make it into something brand new.

Mr De Mille, we’re ready for our close-ups.
