Functionality FAQs
How do we access our SARD system?
The system is accessed using any modern browser including, but not limited to, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
You can find the login portal for your Trust at
Who manages access to the system for users?
All access is managed by your organisation’s system administrator.
How do you set up a new medical role or appraisal dataset in the system?
The set-up of roles and datasets is accessed in the Administration section of the system and can be amended and changed by the system administrator without the need for any SARD authorisation or implementation. The procedure is very easy and is covered by the training we provide to the administrator.
Are we able to generate reports from the system?
Powerful, configurable reporting is a key feature of all SARD products. Users can view top-line information from their integrated dashboard according to their level of access. The system can also produce a wide range of reports for administrators and responsible officers and you can also define your own reporting requirements.
Where does the doctor store their evidence to complete their appraisal and revalidation requirements?
Each user will have their own portfolio, set out on a single page, which outlines each area of evidence they are required to complete. Doctors can either signpost to hard copies of their evidence or upload evidence with a link to a particular group of datasets.
Is there a limit to the size of files that can be uploaded?
There is no file size limit. However, we recommend that users do not upload files larger than 10MB due to the time it takes to upload and download these files.
Are there restrictions to the types of documents you can upload?
No. SARD can upload any electronic document.
What about documents that only exist as hard copies or are stored elsewhere online?
Within the SARD system, users can signpost to hard copy documents or documents held elsewhere online. In SARD, every piece of evidence has a text-based description that may or may not include attachments, providing users with a single source of evidence, either held within the system or linked to its online or offline source elsewhere.
Can SARD interface with third-party systems?
We are developing an Application Programming Interface (API) that will provide authorised persons access to certain SARD Medical Revalidation, Job Planning and eLeave data, allowing the secure exchange of information and providing interoperability between SARD and third-party systems.
You can read our blog entry about API here.
If someone leaves the trust can they take their information with them?
Yes. All data from a SARD system can be exported as a zip file containing a PDF of the appraisal, portfolio and all supporting e-docs.